Qatar Travel Planning Reservation Form

請以英文填寫以下表格並按 “遞交” 傳送預訂表格至hutchgo.com. 所有 * 欄為必填項目。

Please complete the reservation form in English and press the “Submit” button for reservation with hutchgo.com.
All * fields are mandatory.

選擇心水酒店 Choose your Hotel
酒店選項 Hotel Options :
其他 Others :
需要 Yes 不需要 No
入住日期 Travel Period
租車服務 Car Rental

需要 Yes 不需要 No
聯繫信息 Contact Information
* 稱號 Title :   
* 名字 Given Name :

* 姓氏 Surname :

* 聯絡電話 Contact Number : + -
* 電郵地址 Email Address :

* 確認電郵地址 Re-type E-mail Address:

我同意接收hutchgo.com的通訊, 優惠券及推廣消息。
     Yes, I agree to receive hutchgo.com's newsletter, coupons and promotions
我已閱讀並同意遵守有關的 條款及細則私隱政策
     I have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions and I accept the privacy statement of hutchgo.com.

請填妥以上表格並遞交至hutchgo.com , 我們會於最快三個工作天內回覆閣下查詢。如有疑問,請寄電郵至 sales@hutchgo.com 查詢。
Please fill in and submit the online reservation form to hutchgo.com , we will contact you within 3 working days upon receiving the submission and advise availability of your reservation. If you have any enquiry, you may send email to sales@hutchgo.com