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由2016年3月17日至3月31日,使用銀聯信用卡於 香港網站預訂旅遊產品滿 $2,000,並將以下資料電郵至 media@hutchisontravel.comhutchgo HK Facebook「訊息」內留言,即可獲 AMC Gift Card一張 (內含$250儲值額)。 

1) #51開頭之訂票編號:
2) 電郵地址:
3) 香港郵寄地址及收件人:

此優惠不適用於已使用 「UNIONPAY500」之預訂。

From 17 Mar 2016 until 31 Mar 2016, make a booking online at Hong Kong with UnionPay credit card in a single transaction of $2,000 or above and email the following information to or "Message" to hutchgo HK Facebook to get a free AMC Gift Card (value at $250).

1) Confirmation number (starts with #51):
2) E-mail address:
3) Postal address within Hong Kong & recipient's name:

This offer is not applicable to bookings using e-Coupon "UNIONPAY500".
1. 優惠預訂日期由2016年3月17日至3月31日。
2. 優惠只適用於卡號62開頭,香港及澳門地區所發行之指定銀聯信用卡,以及由中國內地發行之銀聯卡。
3. 優惠不適用於已使用銀聯「HK$500春日激賞飛」電子禮券碼 「UNIONPAY500」之預訂。
4. 於 香港網站以銀聯卡購買任何機票、酒店房間及網上即時確認之自由行旅遊套票單一交易滿 $2,000或以上,並將以下資料(#51開頭之訂票編號,電郵地址及香港郵寄地址及收件人)電郵至 media 或於 hutchgo HK Facebook「訊息」內留言  ,即可獲銀聯香港送出之 AMC Gift Card一張 (內含$250儲值額) 。
5. 交易金額不包括相關之稅款、燃油附加費、手續費、保險及簽證費。
6. AMC Gift Card名額為100張,先到先得,額滿即止。此卡只限於AMC Pacific Place戲院售票處及小賣部使用。此卡之到期日為 2016年4月29日。此卡不得退換及兌換現金。
7. AMC Gift Card 將以平郵寄出,Hutchison Travel Limited將不負責任何郵寄途中有可能發生之遺失或損毀。
8. 如顧客需要取消訂單,Hutchison Travel Limited 有權收取已贈送之AMC Gift Card之費用。
9. Hutchison Travel Limited保留修訂此推廣條款及細則之權利,毋須事先通知。如有任何爭議,Hutchison Travel Limited保留最終決定權。

*Terms & conditions:
1. The promotion period starts from 17 Mar 2016 until 31 Mar 2016.
2. The promotion is only applicable to the UnionPay cards starting with “62”, including the specified UnionPay credit cards issued in Hong Kong and Macau, and UnionPay cards issued in Mainland China.
3. The promotion is not applicable to bookings using e-Coupon “UNIONPAY500” under the promotion “HK$500 SPRING HOLIDAY”.
4. Book any flight ticket(s), hotel room(s) or travel package(s) on Hong Kong website in a single transaction of $2,000 or above with UnionPay card, email the following information (Confirmation number, e-mail address and postal address within Hong Kong & recipient’s name) to or ”Message” the following information to hutchgo HK Facebook (Confirmation number, e-mail address and postal address within Hong Kong & recipient's name) to get one AMC Gift Card (with $250 credits) sponsored by UnionPay Hong Kong.
5. Transaction amount excludes the applicable taxes, fuel surcharges and processing fee.
6. Only 100 AMC Gift Cards will be given, first come first served. For details of the card, please refer to the Chinese terms & conditions.
7. AMC Gift Card will be sent by local mail. Hutchison Travel Limited will not be responsible for any loss or damage of the cards during delivery.
8. In case of any cancellation, Hutchison Travel Limited reserves the right to charge the original price of the AMC Gift Card.
9. Hutchison Travel Limited reserves the right to cancel, revise, suspend or terminate all or any part(s) of the promotion, or the terms and conditions herein contained, at any time without prior notice or reason.
訂購熱線: (852) 3192 0900
以上顯示價格是此刊物的制作時的最新資料。價格可能隨機位或酒店供應而於訂購時有所轉變。以上顯示的機票、酒店及 套票價格不包括手續費、相關稅款及服務費。其他限制亦可能適用。
本網站內所有資料均為 Hutchison Travel Limited 和記旅遊有限公司版權所有。
Hutchison Travel Limited 和記旅遊有限公司: 國際航空運輸協會牌照號碼 13-3-0560-0,旅行社牌照號碼351033
電話: 3192 0900/ 電郵地址: / 地址: 九龍紅磡德豐街22號海濱廣場二期121201