Terms and Conditions for Singapore Round Trip flight tickets:


1. Ticket issued is for two travelers traveling together throughout the whole journey, round trip from Hong Kong to Singapore on Cathay Pacific Airways (CX) economy class (Class Q). Ticket validity: 2-7 days.


2. Outbound flights from Hong Kong to Singapore: CX711, CX715 CX735, CX739,CX635 and CX659; Inbound flights from Singapore to Hong Kong: CX714, CX734, CX736, CX650 and CX690. Applicable flights are subject to change without prior notice.


3. Booking period: 26 Sep 2016 – 9Nov 2016


4. Travel period: 11 Oct 2016 – 31Mar 2017; except the blackout periods and subjects to availability (travelers are allowed to upgrade the airline, ticket class or travel during the blackout period by paying the price difference)


5. Blackout period: 22-27Dec 2016 & 26 Jan – 2 Feb 2017.


6. Promotion will be ended on 9Oct 2016. After successful payment, customer will receive a redemption email within 2 weeks included the redemption voucher code offered from hutchgo.com. You may contact hutchgo.com (Tel: 3192 0900) and they will help you fulfill your travel plan.


7. Once customer has chosen the premium of “2-persons Singapore round trip flight tickets”, it cannot be replaced with another premiums and customer cannot change or cancel the purchased body check plans.


8. Reservation is subject to availability, booking should be made on or before 9Nov 2016 and at least 14 days before departure.


9. All applicable taxes, Airport Construction Fee, peak season surcharge, travel insurance, visa and hutchgo.com Processing Fee (HK$30/ person) to be settled by the travelers.


10. This voucher cannot be transferred. Change of travel destination is not allowed. Once the air ticket is issued, it cannot be cancelled nor transferred and travel dates cannot be changed.

12. Any unused services, refund is not applicable and not valid for exchange of other services.

11. Hutchison Travel Limited reserves the right of final decision on all matters related to this voucher.





1. 此旅遊禮券可免費換取國泰航空(CX) 之雙人來回香港至新加坡之經濟客位(Class Q)直航機票(必須二人同行)。機票有效期為2-7日。


2. 適用航班:去程航班香港至新加坡: CX711CX715 CX735 CX739CX635CX659; 回程航班新加坡至香港: CX714 CX734 CX736CX650CX690



3. 換領及訂票日期:2016926日至2016119日。


4. 旅遊日期:20161011日至2017年月331日;除指定日子不能使用,機位受供應情況而定。(旅客可補差價,升級至其他航空公司及艙等或於限載期出發)


5. 指定日子不能使用:20161222-27日及2017年月12622


6. 推廣期至2016109日。客戶完成付款後,將於2星期內收到禮品換領電郵及hutchgo.com發出的機票換領碼。收到機票換領碼後,請聯絡hutchgo.com(電話:3192 0900)換取機票。


7. 客人如選擇雙人香港來回新加坡經濟客位機票,將不能以其他等值禮品取代,及不能更改或取消已訂購之身體檢查計劃。


8. 機位受供應情況而定,旅客應儘早於2016119日或之前登記與hutchgo.com登記,提供足夠時間(最少14天)預留所需日子之機位。


9. 旅客需自付機場保安及離境稅、香港機場建設費、機票附加費用及手續費(每位HK$30);如有需要,旅客需自行購買相關之旅遊保險。


10. 此旅遊禮券不能轉讓。旅客不可更改旅遊地點。有關機票一經確認,旅客將不能取消或更改旅行日期。

11. 任何未有使用之產品及指定服務將不能兌換現金及不能更改為其他產品或服務。


12. 如本旅遊禮券的中、英文版本出現分歧,以英文版本為準。


13. Hutchison Travel Limited保留一切有關行使此旅遊禮券之最終決定。